Monday, April 25, 2011

And We Wait!

Affidavit of Supports Submitted!

It's a great day in the neighborhood! I've submitted what I believe to be the last bit of documentation required for this phase of the immigration process. Now, I wait. My documented ended up being somewhere in the vicinity of 46 pages. Included are all related documents for both Chad and my co-sponsor.

I want to give a shout-out to my amazing, super, incredible husband who is supporting me throughout this process. Having faith in me for not screwing everything up and doing all he can to give me the documents I need ASAP. Also, a shout-out to my fabulous friend and co-sponsor who is helping beyond measure in making mine and Chad's dreams come true! We both thank you, from the very core of our hearts and souls.

Thank You both, very, very much! <3

I'm relieved, I'm nervous and I'm praying that I didn't mess anything up - that everything gets approved and that I get my interview date sooner rather than later and I get to move to the Good Ole' USA with the love of my life!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! I'm just so happy.

And now - I wait!

Until Next Time!

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