Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock!

The Clock Is Ticking!

Phew! It's been busy and the clock is relentless! In just 13 days Chad will arrive and in a mere 15 days we will begin our trip down south - otherwise known as 'home' !!!

Packing is coming along. I feel like I haven't done much but there really isn't much left. The top floor is packed with the exception of necessary bath products, sheets, and lamp. I've got all the boxes in the spare room and are bringing them down to the main floor periodically.

Everything on the main floor is packed with the exception of three plates, silverware and glasses (which I intend to pack today). Patches bowls are still out and a few odds and end that will go into one box with the final dishes. Oh and of course cleaning supplies but I need those.

Everything in the basement is packed except office stuff. Finished the laundry room last night. Today, I intend to tie up some lose ends, re-organize some things and then I'll really have to dig in and start cleaning!

I am most nervous about the U-Haul, like something is going to mess up with my reservation. I've never had trouble with them but I've heard some horror stories. I've had the reservation for over a month now so hopefully all goes well *knock on wood*. I've got a local number here that someone at head office gave me to call and check on fleet availability in the area. Here's hoping all goes according to plan!

That's all for now!

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