Friday, September 23, 2011

Where Am I? Oh Yeah - Home!

I Made It!

It has been a very long time since I've posted. I've been meaning to time and time again but just haven't had the time. One thing about living with a man and kids is - life is busy! I don't have much time at the moment, just taking a break from work but I thought I would post a quick update!

I'm not sure why but the American's let me into their country :) Crossing the border was actually painless as the guards were super nice. I'm not even sure they bothered looking into the U-Haul! The drive down went pretty well. Patches was a super star and Chad did an awesome job of bringing us home :)

We got to stay a night at my Dad's in Maine which was awesome. Such a lovely spot they have and it just warms my heart to see everyone so happy.

Once I got here, I did A LOT of cleaning, unpacking and adjusting. The unpacking is done though somethings I need to get more organized. We bought some new stuff (don't ask about my credit card bill) and Chad and his Dad have been doing a lot of work.

I love the area and while the house needs some work, it's totally grown on me and this place felt like home almost straight away. I still miss Nova Scotia and the quietness sometimes but I definitely prefer my new life.

Patches is adjusting well though sometimes I wonder if she liked it better back home. It makes me feel guilty. She had the run of the house when it was just her and I. Now, she's only allowed on the old chair in the office. And I dunno. I guess I don't like her feeling ignored. But I just don't have as much time to snuggle as I did before. However, she now has a huge property that she gets to go out on, a new little friend who though I am sure annoys her, also brings out the playful side of her :) His name is Shadow and he's a little brown lab pup!

My nephew was born on - get this - my birthday! I wish I could have been there :( I have no working phone so I haven't called them since the birth. I had a great Birthday. Chad spoiled me and bought me a kindle and then took me out for Hibachi. Very Cool.

Tomorrow is our one year Anniversary and we're going to Lake Barkley for the night! Sometimes things are tough but I love my husband and I love my new life! I am working full time for SingSnap and it's a dream come true! I am still finding my bearings but what a fabulous feeling to wake up and love going to work :)

Speaking of which, I got to get back to it!

I'll update again with some pics and stuff when I get some more time. Things need to settle eventually.... right?

Until Then!
Shannon - from the USA!

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