Life Is Busy, Busy, Busy!I am just pluggin' away at life and it's definitely passing by quickly. Which is good and bad. Good because hopefully *knock on wood* it means I'll be re-united with my husband in no time at all!
But also scarey because my house STILL hasn't sold and I've a lot to do between now and moving to the USA.
Namely - an interview! Eeek! Still haven't heard about an interview date but it's to be expected. I don't want to hound the NVC so if I don't hear by mid-week, I'll probably give a call on Wednesday as Friday is a Holiday here in good ole' Can-Na-Da.
Speaking of house selling. Ugh. The market apparently isn't doing so great. I know a girl who has had her house on the market about as long as I have and hasn't had any success either. Mind you, she's had less than ten showings. Mine have definitely slowed down but I still get 1 or 2 a week. It's just such a pain in the buttocks. Seriously. And they're always late. Always.
Why do reatlors think it is okay to book a showing for an entire hour and only ever take, max 15-20 minutes? Who made up these schedules? Think of the home-owner. I know, I know. We're trying to sell, we have to make sacrifices, blah. I was much nicer about it 30 shows ago. Now it's just annoying. ha!
Chad's doing well. As well as can be expected. He's been going to the chiropractor to try and get his neck/back/body sorted out. For such a young sexy man, he's all out of alignment. Other than that, he's keeping busy working, doing work around the yard/house raising a couple of kids.
For Father's day I bought him a new tool set and drill. Can I tell you that buying tools - something I know nothing about - was an entirely stressful experience? Never again. (Yeah right) but I think he liked what I ended up getting. Well he should he picked half of it out! HAHA! It got to the point where I said, "Okay you know what - You pick one of these because I seriously don't know"!
Me? Just wrapped up in two jobs. The last couple months I was training/editing new people at my Reporter job. There was originally a plan to change the way we report on that. As a result, I was busting my hiney doing all that AND increasing my output for my bosses. All for naught, as we're reverting back to status quo for the moment. But I am still trying hard to get my bonus so the days are just very very full.
My Karaoke gig, I love as per usual. It's just a lot and constant, constant, constant. It never ends. I really look forward to the day when I get to do it full-time. I'll really be able to bang out the work and not feel guilty if I need to step away to do the whole 'life' thing for a couple of hours.
Other than work, I spend every Saturday at my brother's with my Dad. Jason is doing well. Slowly but surely getting back on the mend.
I've rambled long enough. Life is good. Stressful. But Good!
Until next time!